Sunday, April 20, 2008

The dream i had died las moonless night

The dream I had died las moonless night

It tried to breathe
but choked,choked again and again

Strove hard to live
yet found hard to breathe

searched essentials to flourish
bleeded profusely

laid down to meet end with some ease....

No screams, no shouts
no scattered blood around
but the stillness around
shouted it loud.

God turned back to look what he has done,
destiny questioned self,
time stood still and asked can i help.

The dream i had died las moonless night...


Sayani said... you are in search it seems

to search may be it is required to bleed . i liked the para more...
good work ...keep it up

Tarun Saxena said...

More than a year ago u wrote this little poem..........all I can hope is tht u r not so depressed today as well.
Its like u r so upset wid life tht u wanna die but u r so hopeful for the things to come tht u're satisfied just by dying in ur dreams.
Anyways I hope u recognise who I am...
Ur blogs r fun to read but only if they come one at a time